Storyworlds: support actions for learning to encourage personal and educational success

  • Partner: Computer Learning
  • Country: Italy
  • Source: Project’s experience from partner Computer Learning (ESF PROJECT 2019_3_1011_02a.58)
  • Age of children: 7-9 years old(2nd-3rd grade)

Main characteristics of the practice

The project is specially focused on providing students with language/communication disease with strategies of storytelling, as a tool for their personal and educational success.

The project is aimed at supporting learning in the development ages through the methodology of T-DST in small cooperative groups of vulnerable children (using i-Theatre laboratory settings). It is carried on with the education partners: School Institute Alta Vallagarina, ANFFAS Trentino, Computer Learning.

General goal of the practice and specific objectives

General-purpose: to foster personal wellbeing and educational success for
students with educational vulnerability (in this case, language/ communication disease)

Specific purposes:

  • Strengthen the educational relationship and support the development of transversal, attentive and socio relational skills
  • Support the interest and motivation for learning
  • Strengthen basic skills (oral, linguistic, writing expression).

Time organization

4 programs (30h /15 sessions each program)

  • G1: VOLANO, 4 second grade children , 3 male 1 female , foreigners , 30 hours
  • G2: VOLANO, 5 second/ third grade children , 2 female e 3 male, 30 hours
  • G3: VOLANO, 4 third grade children , male, foreigners , 30 hours
  • G4: CALLIANO, 5 third grade children , 4 male 1 female , foreigners , 30 hours

Total time: 120 hours. 1 session/week during optional activities.

Space organization

To carry out the activities, the project involves the use of the creative workshop/atelier spaces “Digital narrative workshop”.

These laboratories consist of a narratively oriented setting of film invention in which the traditional creative activities (drawing, oral story, bed-writing and calculation, symbolic and theatrical, musical game) are integrated in natural continuity with the use of a digital mediation based on objects, facilitating and intuitive, in an integrated laboratory environment for multimedia authoring. In particular, space is divided into 3 functional areas:

  • An area of material preparation (sharing, reading, writing, traditional game, drawing)
  • A multimedia narrative Authoring area (creation/action/ recording – interactive play activity in small group or individual or collaborative narrative dramatization of a multimedia artifact-movie)
  • An area of vision (shared vision “cinema-style” of digital products realized)

In this way, the educational setting is configured as an effective, rich and complex collaborative learning environment for carrying out project activities.

Description of procedures and methodology

2-hour lessons held in school optional times/subjects (only vulnerable groups are working, not the whole class).

The synergy between project and school activities for the inclusion aim: some intermediate and final sharing moments are implemented, to share and reflect upon the experience with the whole class

Learning paths scheme:

  • Introduction – 1 session (2h)
  • Traditional Storytelling Laboratory – 6 sessions (2h/session – 12h)
  • Digital Storytelling Laboratory – 6 sessions (2h/session – 12h)
  • Preparation final presentation – 1 session (2h)
  • Final presentation – 1 session (2h).

Support actions

  • S1: personalized learning support for specific needs, 40 hours
  • S2: 2 final meetings of 2 hours each in Volano and Calliano schools for sharing project development and results with parents/ families

Tutor: Methodological/technical support in using i-Theatre, 24 hours (Computer Learning)


i-Theatre, video projector, pc.

Other materials

Paper, pencil, colors, books.

Description of the final product & Conclusions

There are no results yet (Two-year project, just started 2019).

Expected results:

  • Realization of digital texts/artifacts (movie clips) and of a brief narrative dramatic performance
  • Raising awareness of parents and families involved in the educational intervention
  • An innovative methodological approach to intervention, with a strong emphasis on the inclusion of foreign subjects
  • Documentation of paths as “Exemplary Learning Units” for
    dissemination in the school context and educational networks

INCLUDED – Digital Storytelling for Inclusion