Tangible digital collaborative storytelling in adolescents with intellectual disability and neurodevelopmental disorders

tangible digital storytelling adolescents

We are proud to share the first of a series of scientific publications derived from the experimentation and research of the INCLUDED project in schools. This first article, recently published in Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities, presents the results of the INCLUDED experimentation with collaborative tangible digital stroytelling with a group of adolescents from a Special Education…

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Next Tuesday 6th December 2022, the INCLUDED project final conference will be celebrated in Rovereto (Italy). The event aims to present the objectives achieved within the Erasmus+ INCLUDED project regarding the promotion of inclusion in the kindergarten and primary school through storytelling. During the event, project partners will present the different phases of the project: the training courses for teachers, experimentation and scientific…

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Last 5th-6th July 2021, the INCLUDED project participated in the Edulearn 2021 Congress (13th Annual International Conference on Education and New Technologies for Learning), with a research article on the “TEACHERS ‘PERCEPTIONS ABOUT COLLABORATION AND INCLUSION USING A TANGIBLE DIGITAL STORYTELLING TOOL (I-THEATER) IN PRE-SCHOOL AND PRIMARY EDUCATION: THE INCLUDED PROJECT RESEARCH PILOT STUDY.” The authors presented the results…

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Auta meitä valitsemaan logo INCLUDED

Kysyimme Istituto Comprensivo 3 Modena (Italy, IT), Fundación A LA PAR (Spain, ES) ja Rovastinkankaan koulu (Finland, FI) koululaisista piirustuksia INCLUDED. Kaikki piirrokset ovat ihania, mutta logon tulisi olla helppo muistaa ja skaalautuva (pienennettävä kokoa ja silti näkyvä ja tunnistettava). Logoja on kahta tyyppiä: symbolisia (kuten Applen logo) ja graafisia (kuten Coca Colan logo). Valitse tämä mieluiten piirustus, josta…

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First international meeting, Modena September 30, 2019

On September 30, 2019, the opening meeting of the Erasmus+ 2019-22 project INCLUDED: Inclusive education through digital narration was held in Modena (Italy). The meeting, organized by the project promoter Istituto Comprensivo Modena 3, was attended by all project partners: Università degli Studi di Trento (Italy, IT), European University of Madrid (Spain, ES), Rovastinkankaan koulu (Finland, FI ), Fundación…

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