The Workshop “Storytelling, Educational Inclusion and Technology in Kindergarten and Primary School” is cancelled due to the COVID-19 emergency. The…
Il laboratorio su "Narrazione, inclusione educativa e tecnologia nella scuola materna e elementare" di Madrid è cancellata per l'emergenza COVID-19.…
The Workshop "Storytelling, Educational Inclusion and Technology in Kindergarten and Primary School" is cancelled due to the COVID-19 emergency. The…
La Jornada sobre Narración, inclusión educativa y tecnología en la escuela infantil y primaria se cancela por la emergencia COVID-19.…
Il seminario "Multimedia ja digitaalinen korkeakoulu tukee lastenkoulutus" si terrà il 19 marzo 2020 a Orivesi (Finlandia). Questo evento fa…
The workshop “Multimedia ja digitaalinen korkeakoulu tukee lastenkoulutus”, which will be held on March 19th, 2020 in Orivesi (Finland). This event…
El taller “Multimedia ja digitaalinen korkeakoulu tukee lastenkoulutus” se celebrará el 19 de marzo de 2020 en Orivesi (Finlandia). Este…
The workshop “Multimedia ja digitaalinen korkeakoulu tukee lastenkoulutus”, which will be held on March 19th, 2020 in Orivesi (Finland). This event…
Tapahtuma: INCLUDED Kerrointapahtuma EspanjassaMissä: Salón de Grados del Campus de Alcobendas de la Universidad Europea de Madrid. Avda. Fernando Alonso…
Evento: INCLUDED Evento in SpagnaLuogo: Salón de Grados del Campus de Alcobendas de l'Universidad Europea de Madrid. Avda. Fernando Alonso…