The 1st INCLUDED international Multiplier Event was organized in Madrid (ESP) by the European University of Madrid (UEM) with the collaboration and presentation of the project by different partners (UNITN, CL, RK, A LA PAR) in a public-opened event about Inclusion and Education.
The event was celebrated on May 31st, 2022, jointly with the VI Conference on Education and ASD, organized by the UEM, Madrid Autism Federation, and the Department of Education of the Community of Madrid. During the second half-day of the event, INCLUDED partners presented the INCLUDED project, its training activities for teachers, and some preliminary results from experimental and research activities in Italy and Spain.
9:45-10:00. Inauguration.
- José Ignacio Martín Blasco. General Director of Infant, Primary and Special Education of the Community of Madrid.
- Manuel Nevado. President of Federación Autismo Madrid
- Elena Gazapo Carretero. University President – Universidad Europea de Madrid.
10:00-10:45. Keynote Speech. “Interpersonal synchrony in child-caregiver dyads in typical and atypical development contexts.” Gianluca Esposito. Professor of Developmental Psychology. Director of the Doctoral School in Cognitive Sciences at the University of Trento (Italy). [simultaneous translation IT-SP]
10:45-11:30. Keynote Speech. “Early intervention, work with parents and changes in the evolutionary trajectories of children with Autism Spectrum Disorders.” Paola Venuti. Professor of Psychopathology. Vice-rector of the University of Trento (Italy). [simultaneous translation IT-SP]
12:00-14:00. Experiences – Madrid Autism Federation
Experience 1 – Madrid Autism Federation. “Students with ASD, diverse needs and multiple schooling options”. Luis Pérez de la Maza. Director of Fundación AUCAVI.
Experience 2 – Madrid Autism Federation. “Preferred center: Inclusion as a sign of identity.” José Luis Hurtado Antoranz & María Vidal Almagro. Colegio ARCADIA.
Experience 3 – Madrid Autism Federation. “Welcoming new students and families in a special education center.” Marta Duralde Rodríguez. School Counselor at Colegio CEPRI.
Experience 4 – Madrid Autism Federation. “Stable Classroom: an integral project.” Cristina Núñez Ljungström. CEE LEO KANNER.
15.30 – 16.00. Keynote Speech. “Intervention in kindergarten and primary school with children with ASD”. Arianna Bentenuto. Researcher at the Department of Cognitive Sciences at the University of Trento (Italy). [simultaneous translation IT-SP]
16.00-16.30. Keynote speech. INCLUDED EXPERIENCE IN ITALY. “Inclusive education through tangible digital storytelling at the Modena 3 Comprehensive Institute (Italy)”. Fabio Filosofi. Researcher at the Department of Cognitive Sciences at the University of Trento (Italy). Federico Albiero. Head of Research and Development, Didactic Training and New Technologies in EduTech Srl. [Simultaneous translation IT-ES].
16.30-17.00. Keynote speech. INCLUDED EXPERIENCE IN FINLAND. “Inclusive education through tangible digital storytelling at Rovastinkankaan koulu“. Jaana Pellonpää. Teacher of the infant cycle. Rovastinkankaan koulu (Finlandia). [Simultaneous translation FI-ES].
17.00-17.30. Keynote speech. INCLUDED EXPERIENCE IN SPAIN. “Inclusive education through tangible digital storytelling at A LA PAR School & Santa Catalina de Sena School (Spain)”. Cristina Alonso Campuzano. Researcher at the Psychology Department of Universidad Europea de Madrid (Spain) & Cristina Navares. ICT Coordinator at A LA PAR School (Spain).
17.30-18.00. Keynote speech. “School inclusion with adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder.” Stefano Cainelli. Psychologist-Music Therapist of the Laboratory of Observation, Diagnosis, Training (ODFLAB), Department of Psychology and Cognitive Sciences – University of Trento (Italy). [Simultaneous translation IT-ES].
18.00-18.30. Keynote speech. “The neurodiversity care service of the University of Trento.” Carolina Coco. Responsible of Neurodiversity Care Service at University of Trento (Italy). [Simultaneous translation IT-ES].
18.30-19.00. Keynote speech. “The diversity care service of the European University of Madrid.” Sonia Escorial Santa Marina. Responsible of Neurodiversity Care Service at Universidad Europea de Madrid (Spain). Sandra Gutiérrez Vega. Counseling Psychologist at Neurodiversity Care Service at Universidad Europea de Madrid.
19.00-19.30. Closing. Giuseppe Iandolo. Postgraduate Program Director in Child Development Psychology. European University of Madrid.