We have everything almost ready to start with the rotation of i-Theater by three of the collaborating educational centers of the INCLUDED project in Madrid as of February 1, 2021.
After a brief training about i-Theatre’s functioning, the tool will remain available in the school for two weeks.
The objective is to provide teachers and students with the chance of starting to experiment and get in touch with i-Theater possibilities before the beginning of the project’s research phase in the classroom.
Siamo orgogliosi di condividere la prima di una serie di pubblicazioni scientifiche derivate dalla sperimentazione…
Estamos orgullosos de compartir la primera, de una serie de publicaciones científicas, derivada de la…
We are proud to share the first of a series of scientific publications derived from…
We are proud to share the first of a series of scientific publications derived from…
I risultati finali e le linee guida per la Narrazione Digitale Tangibile per l'Inclusione Educativa …
Los resultados y guías electrónicas sobre Narración Digital Tangible en Educación Inclusiva ya estan disponibles…