On September 30, 2019, the opening meeting of the Erasmus+ 2019-22 project INCLUDED: Inclusive education through digital narration was held in Modena (Italy).
The meeting, organized by the project promoter Istituto Comprensivo Modena 3, was attended by all project partners: Università degli Studi di Trento (Italy, IT), European University of Madrid (Spain, ES), Rovastinkankaan koulu (Finland, FI ), Fundación A LA PAR (Spain, ES) and Computer Learning (Italy, IT).
The meeting aimed to open the intellectual objectives of the project and related events.
On behalf of the Istituto Comprensivo Modena 3 (Italy, IT) Marzia Tollari, Margherita Artioli, Ivan Sciapeconi, Marco Fila and Daniele Barca (school director) attended.
On behalf of the Università degli Studi di Trento (Italy, IT) Angela Pasqualotto and Fabio Filosofi attended, while on behalf of Computer Learning (Italy, IT) Federico Albiero attended .
On behalf of the European University of Madrid (Spain, ES), Emma Cristina Cuenca Revuelta, Esteban García Cuesta, Giuseppe Iandolo attended.
On behalf of Rovastinkankaan koulu (Finland, FI), Jaana Pellonpää and Markku Puputti attended.
On behalf of Fundación A LA PAR (Spain, ES), Jaime Alemany and Jaime De León attended.
INCLUDED – Digital Storytelling for Inclusion
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